السبت، 16 فبراير 2008


"G-14" in European history Brussels
/ ended yesterday, "G-14" which includes the 18 largest European club that after eight years of its founding, after obtaining assurances from local unions compensation in the event that any of the players injured during international matches. Lifted "G-14" logo defend their rights against the local unions since its founding because of the high costs incurred by the injured players through with their national teams

هناك 5 تعليقات:

فتى الاندلس يقول...

thank you for blog

strange يقول...

veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery ausum<>

SQU_MaNaGeR يقول...

Hi man....tack this advise
(try to think with out your mind, and be crazy to live easely )

it's just like a joke...

your friend : SQU_MaNaGeR

Nazwani يقول...

اجول صاحبي بصراحة
لو خيروك بيني وبين الدراهم وش راح تختار

Ahmed يقول...

في كل مره تطرح موضوع وكل موضوع أرهب و اروع من سابقة